KUCA – Sunday Children’s Programme
Kids of the Uniting Church [KUCA] is a Children’s programme held every week in three different age groups. Children are with the whole congregation for the first part of the service then go out for their session. On Communion Sundays children have an activity within the service and take Communion with their families.
We encourage our children to be part of the whole church family by taking part in worship, and contributing through reading the scriptures, acting as stewards and participating in liturgical drama. We also encourage children to participate in the mission of the church. They provide backpacks of educational materials for children in Vanuatu, and practical support for our UnitingCare Ballarat’s Breezeway programme which provides a hot meal for about 60 people every day of the year.

Family Fun Days
Family Fun Days are held every School Holidays – Bush Walks, Bush Games, Swimming, and other Activities. Please contact Andy Gault if you are interested in participating.
5pm fourth Sunday of every month. All welcome!

Youth Club
Meets @ 103 Lydiard St Sth. Ballarat In the Peart Wing every Friday during school term, 7.00 – 9.00pm. Youth Club is for young people in Grades 5 – 10.
- Games
- Movie Nights
- Team activities/Minute to win it
- Pool/table tennis/Basketball
- Local activities/swimming/laser quest/Go-karting/scavenger hunts
- And much more!
Come along, join the fun. Please bring a gold coin donation for the night. Contact Andy Gault for more info Ph: 0476 880 394 E: youth@bcuc.org.au