Continuing to learn, to question, to explore and discover new things about the Christian life and faith is at the core of our life together.
There are several different study and discussion groups that meet.
- Tuesdays at 7.30 pm
- Thursdays at 6.45 am – Breakfast Study Group
- Thursday Lectionary Group 1.30 pm Alternate weeks
- Covenant Group at 7.30pm on the 3rd Thursday each month
Please speak with one of the elders or the minister if you would like to join a group. In addition to these groups there are several other discussion or reflection groups.

Drawing Breath
A contemplative Group for artists. The group reads aloud the biblical texts set for each week, and then in silence draws or paints whatever the spirit moves. The Group meets twice a month. If you are interested please speak with Andy Gault.

Spirituality in the Cinema
On the third Sunday each month at 4.00pm an art-house movie is screened in the Peart Wing followed a cuppa and light snack. Great discussions! All welcome. Please bring something to share for dinner. Please see What’s happening on the Home Page for monthly Movie details.
Relaxation & Visualisation
Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 10:00am in the Vestry – wear comfortable clothes, bring a light covering. For more information, speak with Bron James.
Church Library
The library is located in the Peart Wing and has a number of interesting books, including resource books for preparing worship and also study resources.